Saturday 1 January 2011

Things I hate about January...

1. Realising that you have 31 days in which to submit your tax return. And not knowing where to start.
2. Finding all of your friends are operating a 31 day alcohol ban. Just when a sanity bottle of wine has never been higher on your list of priorities. After the tax return.
3. Running out of reasons not to hoover up the pine needles for that one last time. Emptying the hoover of pine needles into a bin bag that promptly splits, thereby spreading needles over the carpet once again.
4. The invasion of middle aged spread in your gym, occupying your treadmill at the very time it's usually yours. And leaving sweat patches on the handrail.
5. The return of unwanted Christmas gifts, only to find they are on sale and, without a receipt, your refund is knocked down by 20%.
6. The temptation to snaffle half a box of left over Celebrations while the rest of the galaxy (that is a chocolate bar...) is on a diet.
7. Black ice. Or just ice. The sledge has been archived and we are back at work, so give us a chance to get there some time today without pranging any bumpers.
8.Filling in for middle class pr_cks who insist on taking time off to throw themselves down a mountain on a tray.
9. Filling in for middle class pr_cks who have broken a femur while throwing themselves down a mountain on a tray.
10. Adverts for diets, exercise, fruit, vegetables, anything remotely good for you.
11. Adverts for cadbury's creme eggs.
12. The thought that Christmas is only 11 months away.

© 2011 Wilma Kay

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