Sunday 6 February 2011

Things I hate about hangovers...

1. Waking up with an overweight rhino stomping about behind your eyes, which insists on stomping harder upon any movement of a little finger.
2. The accuracy of the taste of last night's rocket fuel in the back of your throat.
3. Teeth fur. Tongue fur. Just fur.
4. The inability to open your eyes beyond slits.
5. The immediate urge to vomit upon adopting the sitting position.
6. Bad breath on an offensive scale. Mixed with the aroma associated with sweating 40% proof.
7. The sight and smell of last night's offending half drunk glass of whiskey.
8. Wretching at the smell of bacon.
9. The burning sensation in your oesophagus upon attempting to imbibe orange juice. The burning sensation in your oesophagus when said orange juice makes a swift and messy reappearance.
10. Occupying the loo for an inordinate amount of time. And then realising it's the other end that isn't well. Out of time.
11. Feeling dry. Inside and out.
12. The pretence that you didn't drink too much at all last night. And that you feel just fine. No really.

© 2011 Wilma Kay